Our History

Christian Children Fund (CCF) started its activities in the former Turkana District in 1978 through the Catholic church. The main interventions were in child sponsorship, education and health.

In 1985, CCF started implementing the activities directly with the communities. Due to the vastness of the District, the area of operation was reduced to cover  Loarengak, Lokitaung  (Turkana North), Nadapal, Turkwell , Lorugum, Kalemumyang and Loima/Namoruputh(Loima) Lokapel and Katilu (Turkana South). All these operated as Self Help Groups in their respective zones. In the 1990s, some of the projects were closed down and some merged to create more synergies for interventions.

In May 2001, Loarengak Child and Family Program and Turkwell Child and Family Program merged and formed Frontiers Children Development Program (FCDP).

In June 2021, FCDP was registered as a local NGO and renamed Frontiers Children Development Organization (FCDO). Since 2021, FCDO has been an implementing Partner of ChildFund in Turkana County. Though registered to cover the entire Turkana County, FCDO has been implementing projects in eight wards in Turkana North, Turkana Central, Turkana South and Loima.

The organization implements project in sponsorship, education, Child Protection, Health and Nutrition, WASH, Food Security and Livelihoods and DRR.

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