Dr. Benson Long`or

Board Member Representing Turkana Professionals Association(TPA).

  • Group:Board of Directors

Dr. Benson Long`or

Board Member Representing Turkana Professionals Association(TPA).

Dr. Benson Long`or brings a wealth of experience and expertise to his role as a Board Member representing the Turkana Professionals Association at FRONTIERS CHILDREN DEVELOPMENT ORGANIZATION. As a respected member of the Veterinary Board of Kenya, Dr. Benson has dedicated his career to improving the lives of others, particularly in Turkana County, where he serves as Director.

In his profession as a veterinarian, Dr. Benson ensures the health and production of livestock for the pastoral Turkana community, thereby contributing to the livelihoods of families and enabling them to provide for their children’s needs. His membership in an organization that fosters the well-being of deprived, excluded, and disadvantaged children in the Turkana community further reflects his commitment to community service and advocacy for marginalized populations.

Dr. Benson’s passion for the welfare of children is evident in his advocacy efforts, where he tirelessly works to ensure that children in underserved communities have access to essential resources and opportunities for growth and development. His deep understanding of community dynamics and his ability to navigate complex issues make him an invaluable asset to the organization.

Beyond his professional accomplishments, Dr. Benson’s dedication to serving his community sets him apart as a compassionate leader and role model. He actively engages with local stakeholders to identify and address the unique challenges faced by children in Turkana County, advocating for policies and programs that promote their well-being and rights.

Dr. Benson’s presence on the board of FRONTIERS CHILDREN DEVELOPMENT ORGANIZATION amplifies the voices of marginalized communities, ensuring that their needs are prioritized and addressed effectively. His collaborative approach to problem-solving and his unwavering commitment to social justice make him an inspirational figure within the organization and beyond.

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